Friday, April 24, 2009

We can't live without forgiveness...

God, help us to forgive one another so that we may live freely in you!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our visit back and Luggage Issues

Many of you know that Heidi and I flew back to the state to visit family over Easter and to have a few interviews. My interviews have been going so well--I have had one job offer already, and I expect at least a few more positions to be offered to me in the next week (if what was said at my interviews is any indication). We have been blessed in our time with family and friends, and are looking forward to this new adventure that God is leading us on.

One of my observations about the country and the economy is that people are half and half. Some people are extremely positive and upbeat about their lives and others are not. Some drag on the economy all the time and others don't. Some of the people that were extremely positive aren't even working because they were laid off--in Indiana, one of the hardest hit places in the country as far as layoffs go, I have run into some very positive and motivated people.

Lastly, the Lord just blessed us with a kind and loving person at Continental Baggage claim recently. When we flew into Omaha on April 4th two of our suitcases, those four wheel ones, had a wheel completely ripped out. There was a huge hole in the bag where the wheel had once been. I figured that the airline would not cover it, but called in a few days later when I realized that my warranty on the bags wouldn't cover it. The lady (continental customer service) on the phone said to take it to a Continental Hub and that a clerk there would either give me a voucher to replace the bags or send them in to be fixed. I was surprised at this, but took her word for it with a damage claim number. When we went over to Fort Wayne to visit Heidi's family, we planned a specific trip (we visited some friends as well) to the Indianapolis Airport (135 miles away) to go and talk with the baggage claim office there, fully expecting to be given a voucher or that they would send our bags in for repairs. These bags were not cheap when we bought them 2 years ago. When we walked in the clerk told us that they don't fix bags and they don't replace them if the wheels are busted off. I told her that the representative on the phone said they would. After a few minutes talking with this kind woman, she went to the back room and brought out two "stock" bags. And just gave them to us--and we kept our old luggage. Wow! What a blessing! The bags are very similar to the ones that were damaged, if not a bit nicer. They aren't four-wheelers, but now that we've had two break on the same trip we probably won't be buying them again. Here is a picture of our new bags:

Thanks Continental for being so kind and being true to the word of one of your representatives, even if she was wrong! Very good business!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

MUB--Multiple Update Blog

Hi Friends! I am currently experiencing a blog-writing writer's block, so I decided I just needed to give a general update over a few areas of our lives--in other words a MUB.  I try not to do these types of long updates, but hopefully this will spark a bit more creativity for future posts.

Moving update

About two weeks ago I sent a list of items that Heidi and I would like to sell before we move to our friends and co-workers here in Panama.  I thought I needed to do this about a month or so before we moved in order to get everything sold in time.  Well, thirty minutes after I sent the email people were calling me asking if they could come over and buy stuff.  That was at 10pm on a Monday night.  Yeah.  We have not had any problem selling most of our belongings for the asking price.   I wasn't really prepared to have everything sold in a week, but it turns out to be a real blessing.  Almost everyone is okay with us keeping our things until the week we leave and has paid at least 50% of what they are buying--like a layaway program!  When people started coming over to see things, it started to settle in a bit more that we are really going through with the move and that it really isn't that far away. 

We will continue to work with LCMS World Mission until June 30 as we phase out and my interim replacement phases in.  Our visa here in Panama expires on May 6, so we will be flying into Fort Wayne on that day and start the re-entry process.  While we know living back in the US will be a lot different than what we've come accustomed to--we have been back enough to not become totally disconnected from US culture and societal changes.  We "think" we are prepared and know what to expect. 

Mission Work

Mission work is going forward all over Latin America.  I encourage you to follow some of our other missionaries blogs to see what is going on around Latin America in Lutheran Missions.  You can find a list of mission blogs at  Those of you who followed my work in Peru can keep up with it by checking out Anthony Diliberto's blog at  

My work has started to get more intensely focused on financial statements and budgets over the last months.  The current situation in the US has caused us to start planning for substantial budget cuts, yet the Lord is still graciously providing support through generous people, like those of you who read this blog!  As I work to hand over my job to some one else, I want to make sure that everything is in order and clear as can be.  I feel like I have put a lot of hours into making the accounting, budgeting and planning, office, and operations management as efficient and mission-driven as can be with the resources we have been given in Latin America.  The idea is that the next person will be able to build on, and make better, the way that mission work is managed on the operations side of things.

Heidi and School

This Friday marks the end of the 3rd quarter at Crossroads Christian Academy where Heidi has been teaching four high school English classes as well as Debate.  She has filled in for a teacher that is on maternity leave for 10 weeks.  Since Heidi and I will be back in the states over Easter to visit family and interview for future jobs, Friday will be her last day teaching there.  Heidi has really enjoyed her time there and it is hard to leave an organization that has treated her so well and has benefited from her as well.  I think CCA and Heidi were deeply impacted over the last 2 and a half years; and that relationship will continue through the years.

Sophie Marie

Sophie is doing well.  I think she is starting to catch on that things are going to change soon.  When we travel home for Easter she will be staying here in Panama with Music Missionary Jack Johnson.  He will be house and dog-sitting over the next two weeks.  Sophie, who, as of right now, is the only dependent and focus of all our attention was pretty sick for about two weeks after she was treated for some skin irritations.  I guess Panama isn't the best place for a Yorkie to live, especially during the high Mosquito season.  We slowly nursed her back to health by feeding her rice and hard-boiled eggs.  Yeah, who would have thought that kind of diet would help a dog get over a bad stomach virus?


Please join Sophie (and Heidi and me) in mourning with our parents, Tony and Jennifer, over the loss of their beloved German Shepherd, Sassy.  She was quietly put to sleep yesterday morning after sustaining some bad injuries.  She was the mother of 10 pups and the live-in girlfriend (can dogs be married?) of Buddy (also a German Shepherd), who is yet to be found.  She is survived by her brother-in-law, Ponch (a Lab), and her pups.There is reason to believe that coyotes are to be blamed for the injuries sustained by Sassy and the disappearance of Buddy.   We believe that Buddy valiantly protected Sassy--and if he is found that there will be a great welcoming party for him at the homestead.

Christmas 2007 193

MBA Studies and Employment

I just finished a course in Strategic Human Resource Management for my MBA two weeks ago and I will begin the next course on Monday.  I am looking forward to the next year of coursework and onto graduation next March.  YEA! 

I have been pleased, so far, with the response I am getting in my job search.  I am glad that I have started early and I am getting positive results.  I will have some interviews for various types of management positions and/or leadership roles in different organizations.  I am looking forward to the process and selecting the best fit for what Heidi and I feel God is leading us to do.  Please continue to pray over our decisions and that God will bless the road we are on--we believe that we are following His call on our lives. 

Trusting the Lord

I pray that you will move forward in boldness as you serve the Lord where you are, at work, at home, and in your communities.  I leave you with a scripture verse that has encouraged me this past week,

"...but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.  Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 [emphasis added].


Hope you enjoyed this addition of MUB!  God Bless!