Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Leaving home to go to a far off land...

Well, tonight is our last night in Panama!  I have mixed emotions as I sit here by myself.  Heidi is at her last women's small group Bible study.  I hope she is having a great time with them.  It is a bittersweet feeling to know that God has called us to something else and it is truly evident that He has every step of the way planned out; and at the same time leave a place and network that God has used to bring us closer to Him.

God has continually provided for us during this time.  We had no problem selling almost all of our belongings.  That money will help us to find a house back in Des Moines, IA.  I recently accepted a job offer with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and will start training there the end of May/beginning of June.  Of all the jobs I applied/interviewed for over the last three months, this job is the one I wanted and they offered to it to me last Monday.  I will be a supervisor over a team of 15 loan adjustors. I have a lot to learn about the industry and the job, but I am excited about working for one of the "healthy" banks in the US.  Heidi and I both like Des Moines and are looking forward to this new adventure we are going on!

While we are still United States citizens, we have become a part of a different culture that mixes Latin American and North American lifestyles.  We are different people now compared to who we were three years ago when we took this job with LCMS World Mission.  So many people have been a part of our lives during this time, influencing us and helping us to grow closer to Christ and to one another.  We thank each of you with whom we have come in contact during the last three years; for your guidance, prayers and support.  We love each of you and you hold a special place in our hearts.  We look forward to the years ahead as we continue our relationships; influencing each other and trusting in the Lord to bring more into His flock through what he does with our lives.

Praise be to God our Father, we thank Him for all that He has done.  His works are mighty and just.  We love Him with our whole heart, and we love the body of believers, who are the Body of Christ!