Monday, March 17, 2008

Here and Now

So, I see a recurring message in my blogs..."wow, it's been a long time." LOl. I wonder if I will ever be a consistent blogger. It's funny because I always get so frustrated when no one else is blogging! Maybe if I would lead by example?

I'm having a hard time uploading pictures right now, otherwise I would share some funny ones. Go ahead and check out our Picasa site: We have been keeping that updated with all of our photos.

Just so you all know, things are going very well here in Panama. I have been traveling a lot lately; but now I don't have to travel for work until April 15. During the time between now and then Heidi and I will be heading to Costa Rica to visit my host family and meet my host brother's new baby boy. He should be born any day now. I will definitely post pictures of that trip.

When we get back from that trip, Emily, Chuck and Allison will be coming to Panama to visit! No one from my family has come to visit us yet in Panama so this is a momentous occassion! (disclaimer: my parents were going to come to Panama in January, but I made them go to Peru instead). It will be a lot of fun to have them here and they can see a glimpse of what life in Panama is like.

I also was approved to go on furlough this summer. So we should be back in the States in time for the White Family Reunion at Camp Okoboji; we will be in the States until the end of July. And if any of you have churches that are looking to support a missionary, we'd love it if you would pass our name along and maybe we could do a presentation during July.

Thanks for reading!